America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History
Quote- A. Philip Randolph
Introduction-The Purpose of this book…………………...........
Why I Chose to use Wikipedia as a Resource………….........
Quote- Carlos Bulosan "A merica is in the Heart"………........
Qoute- Dr John Henrik Clark………………….......................
C hapter I…………………America…. …………...............
Immigration Timeline
The Naming of America
Discovery of America
The Formation of America.
Reason for Colonization
Quote--John Hope Franklin
C hapter II……Slavery and Discrimination.…. ……….....
The Beginning of Slavery in the United States
Slavery as an Economy
Q uote-Charles Evan Hughes……………………..
Dred Scott Decision
Racial Discrimination
Indian Reservation
Japans Interment Camps
C hapter III…Voices of Change…
The Civil Rights Movement /Organizations
C hapter V…Biographies
Notable Contributors to America's Growth……...........
A ctivism and Abolitionism
G overnment Leaders
R eligious Leaders…
S cholars and Educators
I nventors/ Science…
A rtists, Architects, Designers.
A uthors and Publishers
B usiness………
S ports
F ilm, Television, Entertainment, and Media.
List of America's Contributors in All Areas.......................
A Change Has Come
M artin Luther King
Y es We Can
L ift Every Voice
W e Shall Over Come
W hy We Are Proud
W e Are the Ones
T he Dreams of Generations
T he Inventor of the Supersoaker
R ev. Rick Warren
Gone Too Soon/Heal the World
F rom Martin to Obama
Gone Too Soon/Heal the World
I ts a New Day
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