EY WADE~ Entertaining Your World And Designing Eternity

BEADS ON A STRING-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History book. The first to include Sarah Collins Rudolph,the 5th and forgotten little girl in the Birmingham Church Bombing, into the pages of history.

WADE-IN PUBLISHING.COM Fiction and non-fiction that expounds on topics we all discuss within the comforting tight circles of our closest friends. Topics such as race, children books, family, personal relations, the welfare system, old school child rearing and childcare. E-book publications. Novels that make you ask.... AM I REALLY THE PERSON I CLAIM TO BE?


To Market to Market

It's Easter and like all of the major publishing companies Wade-In Publishing is having a Spring book sale. Did I say major? Well I am famous (on the internet)just google Ey Wade. I had a good fight with myself about the idea of a sale.

As an indepenent author/self-publisher everything is crucial.
One little mistake and a major catastrophe could strike and then where would I be?

So I scoured the internet, gleened from other indies, practically losing a proverbial ear and divised my plan. All Ey Wade books are on sale for a limited time at Amazon. Easy to find http://amzn.to/eywadebooks or http://amzn.to/wade-inbooks 99¢ and you buy the best.Watch for me on twitter and Facebook.

And just for the record it wasn't as critical as I thought. Just a cut here and there and all was ready. So, if you want to know more about the books pull up a chair @ http://theinterviewedcharacter.blogspot.com and get to know the people who have succeeded in escaping my brain.

All I can say is....any ideas on where to hide the eggs?

99¢ Book sale on all Ey Wade books http://amzn.to/eywadebooks #ian1#fiction#amwriting#kindle#kids#thriller#history#AA