EY WADE~ Entertaining Your World And Designing Eternity

BEADS ON A STRING-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History book. The first to include Sarah Collins Rudolph,the 5th and forgotten little girl in the Birmingham Church Bombing, into the pages of history.

WADE-IN PUBLISHING.COM Fiction and non-fiction that expounds on topics we all discuss within the comforting tight circles of our closest friends. Topics such as race, children books, family, personal relations, the welfare system, old school child rearing and childcare. E-book publications. Novels that make you ask.... AM I REALLY THE PERSON I CLAIM TO BE?


Caring for Your Text

I was going through the files on my computer and basically reorganizing when I realized I was missing so many manuscripts. For a few minutes I freaked and then had to go and find the handwritten and some previously printed manuscripts. Thank God I had printed somethings out. Now I have to put them into this laptop. I guess after the changes in laptops and the move from the desktop things were lost. I'm going to pay more attention.

Moving files from one area to another is pretty much like the move we recently made from one city to another. Many things were lost and now I have to forget them because they were not as easy to find. Thank God for computers.