1.Prejudices Will Die. Education can bring unification.
2Understanding: You would become more tolerant to the feelings of others.
3.Surprise: You would be amazed at the everyday things that were invented by more than one race.
Get a free copy of Beads on a String America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History. The first Multiracial multi-media American history book.
This is my belief: “I feel that we as Americans are all equal and held together by a common thread. Like a treasured beaded necklace of different colors held together on a string, we are held together by our necessities and our circumstances and our humanity. Every color helps to make the necklace beautiful. We can never be a totally separate entity! Americans of all colors are so integrated that if we hurt one, we hurt all. Just like that necklace of treasured beads, leave one out and the gap is seen. Break the chain and many of us are lost.”
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