Why Write?
I have heard, many times in my life, if you want to hide something from a Black person you should either write it down or put it in a book. That adage may have been true in the times when educating the slave was discouraged, but now I wonder if it can be said for most of the races of people in general.We're in a flash mode of communication. We’re connecting to the person next to us with slap happy speed. We’re texting, while eliminating most of the vowels, twittering instead of having conversations, and short posts instead of letter writing.
Someone questioned me about my need to write and my desire to be an author and this was after they were finished spouting the fact they believe books are too long, almost made me rethink my purpose for writing. There are many reasons I write and in the end, it always comes back to one thing:

I write for those who continue to enjoy reading good books. I write for those who value the struggles many before us went through in order to learn to read. I write because every year, when February comes around I am reminded of the triumphs of my ancestors, I get a small burst of irritation when thinking how the children are not taught about these people and the other great people of all races/ethnicity on the daily and right along with their White counterpoints.

What is your reason for writing?
Ey Wade considers herself to be a frustrated author of thought provoking, mind bending ebooks,
an occasional step-in parent, a fountain of knowledge, and ready to share.
She is the mother of three daughters and the Lovey of a four year old boy.
Website: http://wade-inpublishing.com
Facebook-: Written by Ey Wade
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