EY WADE~ Entertaining Your World And Designing Eternity

BEADS ON A STRING-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History book. The first to include Sarah Collins Rudolph,the 5th and forgotten little girl in the Birmingham Church Bombing, into the pages of history.

WADE-IN PUBLISHING.COM Fiction and non-fiction that expounds on topics we all discuss within the comforting tight circles of our closest friends. Topics such as race, children books, family, personal relations, the welfare system, old school child rearing and childcare. E-book publications. Novels that make you ask.... AM I REALLY THE PERSON I CLAIM TO BE?
Quas molestias excepturi

Debney Nichole Armstrong's Journal of Lies

Truculent and defiant teenagers are not unusual, but ones that have to face one tragedy after another and deal with the consequences of their reaction to them are not.

Quas molestias excepturi
Impedit quo minus id

Impedit quo minus id

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum...

The Fishing Trip

When do you cross the line from being the 'hero' to be coming the monster? Durham killed his abuser at the age of ten. As an adult and tired of pedophiles having free reign on innocent children, he decides to take the law into his own hands. His fishing excursions are to die for.

Impedit quo minus id
Voluptates repudiandae kon

THE PERFECT SOLUTION-A Suspense of Choices

"I placed the most precious thing in my life in your hands and you people did not take your job seriously." Anger destroys a relationship.;A teenaged babysitter decides to go to college. A single parent places her child in daycare. A three year old is mistakenly given to a stalker by his pre-school teacher. A suspenseful analysis of choices and how those choices affect the people around us.

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Voluptates repudiandae kon


"Gillean is the middle daughter. She sometimes feels neglected and left out. Between the Two of Them explores the advantages and disadvantages of being the middle child and shows how Gillean discovers she has a special 'uniqueness' in the family."

Voluptates repudiandae kon
Voluptates repudiandae kon


NOT A SOUND, NOT A PEEP shows how the family in prose and illustrations handles the nightmares of Mhia, the youngest child in the family.

Voluptates repudiandae kon
Voluptates repudiandae kon


Mhia is so upset about not being able to hug the sun her mom tell her the story of the antics the sun goes through to get a hug and she learns a little science in the end. Who Will Hug the Sun is part of a series of picture books titled IN MY SISTER’S WORLD

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Mauris euismod rhoncus tortor


Ever wondered what America's history would look like if every race was included in one book? Celebrated daily? History was written in more than Black and White and Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History lauds loudly the accomplishments of all races that helped make America the great country it has become. America’s glorious multi-racial history is finally acknowledged.

Mauris euismod rhoncus tortor


Johann Friedrich Blumenbach died in January. Well, it was January 22, but in 1840. Why should you care? You should care because he was the first racial profiler.  The original name calling, label maker.
"He believed that like skin color, cranial profile, etc., went hand in hand with declarations of group character and aptitude."

Blumenbach, born May 11, 1752 was a German physiologist and anthropologist. His thesis paper written about the difference in people and titled the Natural Varieties of Mankind was considered one of the most influential papers of his time and basically established the way different races are seen in the world today. The separation of the people by race was established in order to institute the separation by social and economic differences. 

. It is amazing how the mere words of another person can effect and change the course of history, and the wealth, health and well being of another. Mere words, whether based on truth, personal beliefs or delusion can make or break a world, a nation, a life, mere words. There is nothing in the law of nature that makes one color of person superior to another despite the fact cultural differences, language barrier, and the color of skin all fused together to form a case set against another group of people.
The idea of the Caucasian race to be superior to other races has been spread across the entire world. How people have been accepted and treated within the context of a given society or culture has a direct impact on how they perform in that society. Racial beliefs constitute myths about the diversity in the human species and about the abilities and behavior of people placed into "racial" categories.

 The myths combined the perception of behavior and physical features together in the public mind, and blocked the ability to understand behavior is not a genetic determination of a person. Temperaments, dispositions, and personalities, regardless of genetic, are developed by the life we live. Blumenbach's theory was based on his study of 60 human skulls, with these skulls Blumenbach divided humans in to five races, Caucasian (white), Mongolian (yellow), Malayan (brown), Ethiopian (black), and American (red).
He believed that like skin color, cranial profile, etc., went hand in hand with declarations of group character and aptitude. *The "fairness" and relatively high brows of Caucasians were held to be apt physical expressions of a loftier mentality and a more generous spirit. *The epicanthic folds around the eyes of Mongolians and their slightly sallow outer epidermal layer bespoke their supposedly crafty, literal-minded nature
*The dark skin and relatively sloping craniums of Ethiopians were taken as proof of a closer genetic relations to the apes. Despite the fact the skin of chimpanzees and gorillas beneath the hair is whiter than the average Caucasian skin and orangutans and some monkey species have foreheads fully as vertical as the typical Englishman or German.

Blumenbach's analysis sealed the fate of every race other than Caucasian as inferior.
 Looking over the list of the awesome people that have made America the fantastic country it is today, it is has been proven time and time again that the 'inferior' label placed on many races is false. Basically what it all boils down to is the fact one set of people decided they were better than another, used the unknown about the Indians and Africans' culture to foster the belief further and spurred the lies and discrimination to justify the psychological, and physical torture aimed at another group of people
Later in life Blumenbach decided to do further anatomical research and come up with the belief that Africans were not inferior to the rest of mankind. Unfortunately these later ideas were far less influential than his earlier assertions with regard to the perceived relative qualities of the different so-called races. It goes to show, once we label or brand something, it is hard to change the conceptual relationship in man's mind. Blumenbach died January 22, 1840. His classification and the scientific concept of human races was widely accepted for about two hundred years, but in the late twentieth century, it came to light that Homo sapiens could not be divided into races or subspecies. After Blumenbach's time, the term Caucasian no longer was associated with peoples from the Caucasus but continued to be used as a racial indicator. Wow, amazing how one person's opinion, a mere word shaped America. We are a nation that thrives on 'mere' words to shape our actions and thoughts...mere can almost be integrated into our name A-mer-i-ca.

Beads On A String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History ~
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    Posted by Ey Wade

    Beads on a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History. #ThisIsUs #thisisamerica 
     My Statement of Belief "Within America's history-“I feel that we, as Americans, are all equal and held together by a common thread. Like a treasured beaded necklace of different colors, held together on a string, we are held together by our necessities and our circumstances and our humanity. 
    Every color helps to make the necklace beautiful. We can never be a totally separate entity! Americans of all colors are so integrated that if we hurt one, we hurt all. Just like that necklace of treasured beads- leave one out and the gap is seen. Break the chain and many of us are lost.” What do you believe?  
    History was written in more than Black & White and Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History lauds loudly the accomplishments of all races that helped make America the great country it has become. America’s glorious multi-racial history is finally acknowledged.  It's time for America to come together and celebrate the contribution of every race/ethnicity daily.

     Tired of picking up an American history book and seeing the accolades given to one ethnicity at a time? Ever wondered what any other race contributed to America within a certain time frame? The United States was built by people who came here from countries all over the world. Our lawmakers, inventors, educators, activists, entertainers, religious leaders and historians string together heritage and cultures, like colorful beads, to create this unique, multiracial country.  Beads On A String, which began as a home school project for the author's three daughters, looks back, through, and consistently updates our history to celebrate the people, the races and cultures which make us the United States of America.   Beads on a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History is the book for you to read.
     It celebrates hundreds of people such as Hiawatha who fought for freedom of his people, Lonnie Johnson who invented the ‘Super Soaker’, Dalip Singh Saund was a member of the United States House of Representatives, Rev. Rick Warren blessed the 2008 Presidential Inauguration, Arpad G.C. Gerster was one of the first surgeons in America, Yamato Ichihashi was one of the first academics of Asian ancestry in the United States; Antonio Meucci invented the telephone, Michael Jackson entertained; Minoru Yamasaki second-generation Japanese-American architect designed the World Trade Center, and Amadeo Peter Giannini founded the of Bank of Italy which later became Bank of America. Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History, never stops celebrating our heritages .  
    Reviews:  📚Jonathan Ellis~  A Must-Read In So Many Ways. I just finished Beads on A String and in all sincerity I have to say it is a work of subtle genius. Several years back I read one of the most unusual history books ever written, "The Peoples' History of the United States." Anyone who has read that revelation of history as events that really happened, as opposed to events as reported by those who were left holding the most power, will see a similar sort of understanding in this amazing work by Ey Wade. An alternative title for her work could well be, "A History of the People of the United States. I can give this work no higher compliment.  I was consistently fascinated by unexpected connections, accomplishments and contributions being added to the ongoing tapestry of our country by so many people from so many ethnic and cultural backgrounds, that I simply couldn't put the book down. If I could ask for anything more, it would literally be just that...more.  This is the story of the heroes of our collective past. What is incredibly moving is that so many of these heroes have gone unsung for so long.  I can gladly recommend this book to anyone interested in the historical journey of the land we live in. Beyond that, I can just as easily recommend it to anyone who just likes a great   
    📚Kathy Brown~"If you enjoy reading good genuine history, which is all about people, this is the most innovative and intriguingly honest perception yet, of America's roots and growth. Ey,An amazing work - very labor intensive - and worthy of a PhD (in my humble opinion, but what do I know). Your index is just as intense as the text, for God's sake!Finished your book, "Beads On a String!" Perfect for home-schooling; very complete, heartwarming and winning material Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read it...just wished there were more pictures. 
     📚 My name is Gage Bailey and I am fourteen-years-old. My mother was given a copy of this book for review purposes as the author wanted the opinion of a kid who enjoys history - that's me! I really liked the fact that the author added so much more information in this book, more than you can find in the text books we get in school. The title is perfect. There are more than just "Americans" who helped to make the history of our country and I think it is sad that we don't get to hear about them at school. We are all beads on the same string, and everything we do, no matter how big or small, makes history.  The only thing I wish is that the author would have added more of her opinion in the book. I do realize it is non-fiction, but I would have liked to know more about what she thought when she was researching and writing it. What she as surprised as me to find out such important and interesting facts? I really liked this book and I recommend it to anyone who loves History!  
    From the Author: Beads on a string started off as a homescooling project to teach my daughter about America's true history-without blinders. This book will delight Readers in the fact we will be able to learn about all of the different accomplishments and contributions made to the United States without having to pull a multitude of books off the shelves. It answers the question what did this race or those races ever do for America? And proves America's history was written in more than black and white.


    Posted by Ey Wade

     Lasuria Kandi Allman and the entire family of Mamie Zwadie King-Chalmers, the iconic symbol of the MLK Civil Rights Movement -  are heartbroken to announce her passing this morning, November 29, 2022. Mamie Zwadie King-Chalmers lived her life fighting for the rights of African Americans, educating about voting and sharing history throughout the United States.   Mamie Ruth King was born June 19, 1941 in Birmingham, Alabama to a modest, working class family which consisted of five sisters and five brothers. Her father was Berry King Sr., a coal miner for Tennessee Coal and Iron Hampton Slopes Mines in the subdivision of Pratt City, died in 1965 of Black Lung Disease after years of working in inhumane conditions. Her mother, Mattie Marlowe-King, worked untiringly at Marshall Durbin Chicken Factory in order to provide necessities for the family. Mamie’s Great Grandfather Abe King was a slave at John King plantation in Morango County, working but never fulfilling a debt because the money was taken from him. The conditions of his life and the mistreatment of others living under the threat of Jim Crow Laws, she was inspired to work for a change. 

    In 1960's one of the most racial and volatile times in American history, Birmingham was also known as "Bombingham". In 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King arrived in Birmingham at the request of Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth. A mass meeting at 16th St. Baptist Church campaigning, against segregation, injustices in public places and the Jim Crow Laws that binded them. When Dr King finished his speech, she knew this was her calling unafraid Mamie joined the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights and became an active demonstrator, Member, Participant and Organizer, and Demonstrator in the Civil Rights Movement.  Mamie was targeted by The Public Safety Chief Eugene "Bull" Connors who was a self proclaimed racist. She was jailed on several occasions one time she spent five days in jail under horrible conditions. On Friday May 3, 1963, Bull Connors spotted Mamie and sent the dogs after her. She ran across the street to a doctors office seeking shelter from the vicious dogs, she was cornered. Bull Connors order the Fire Department "to turn the hoses on the niggers so they won't have to take a bath." So they began to hose Mamie, while she was pinned to the wall and alone. Several children made attempts to help her but they weren't successful. Two unidentified young men reached Mamie and used their bodies as shields to absorb some of the water pressure. Many children used their bodies as targets and distractions to help Mamie and the young men. The water pressure was so hard it was like bricks were being hurled at their heads and bodies. Due to the pressure of the water from the hoses, Mamie suffered permanent hearing damage in her right ear. These events were captured by Black Star Photographer, Charles Moore who later sold the images to Time magazine. Their feature in Time gained national attention - which sparked the Civil Rights Movement and support for Civil Rights changes in 1964.

     In 1997 Mamie found out her identity, experiences, accomplishments, and most of all her pride had been claimed by prominent Alabamian Reverend Carolyn Maull Mckinstry author of While the World Watched. http://wade-inpublishing.blogspot.com/2015/06/meeting-history-face-to-face-interview.html

    **Mamie's biography is featured in Ey Wade's  Beads on a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History bit.ly/WeAreBeads


    Posted by Ey Wade

     I'm excited to share the newest review of my American history book and a much needed trek out of the house and onto a wonderful blog site.


    Below is the review for Ey Wade's book, "Beads on a String." On August 24, she will be sharing a bit about her writing journey on the Sweet & Sassy Scribblers' blog. So please drop by, say hello, and welcome Ey to our Scribbler family. 
    A Unique Look at American History
    "History is usually told through the eyes of the victor" is an oft-used description of the textbooks we're assigned to read in school.
    Unfortunately, a lot of the historical facts and information that don't favor the ones in power get glossed over or totally ignored. Other bits are skewed to stretch the truth or tell only one side of the story.
    Ey Wade wanted her home-schooled children to get the whole picture of American history through the eyes of the people making the history. I was very impressed with her focus on presenting a multi-racial history and not emphasizing skin color or ethnicity. Instead, her account values the contributions of the people involved in building our country without using distinctions or labels.
    Of course, there were terrible chapters in the history of America we cannot overlook – slavery, the oppression of Native Americans, the mistreatment of Chinese, Japanese internment camps, and the list goes on and on – fueled by hatred, bigotry, and fear. Ey Wade covers these events in a clear and concise, non-biased fashion.
    In the introduction, Ey states that "Beads on a String" was written to help everyone learn from the past and use that knowledge to make a better present and future. In other words, in place of dwelling on the wrongs done by our ancestors, it's better to let go and heal. She reminds us we are a nation of immigrants. Instead of being African-American, Asian-American, or European-American, "we need to drop the hyphen, and all be Americans."

    Posted by Ey Wade


    Letters from an American 

    July 7, 2022

    Heather Cox Richardson

    Today, President Joe Biden awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 17 individuals who Biden says “demonstrate the power of possibilities and embody the soul of the nation—hard work, perseverance, and faith. They have overcome significant obstacles to achieve impressive accomplishments in the arts and sciences, dedicated their lives to advocating for the most vulnerable among us, and acted with bravery to drive change in their communities—and across the world—while blazing trails for generations to come.”

    The seventeen appear to have been chosen quite deliberately to provide a snapshot of a multicultural, nonpartisan society in which people work to overcome hardship and contribute to the public good.“

    Decorated athletes and military heroes, artists, civil rights giants, activists and trailblazing representatives, intellectuals, and innovators,” Biden tweeted. “That’s America. And these are our 2022 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients.” 


    Posted by Ey Wade
    "We, if only seen as a ‘casing’ or a vessel- we cannot change. As a thinking individual we can cause enormous changes. We just have to be accepting of the differences and learn from history. Remember history was written in more than Black and White."

    Ignore the skin I'm in and get to know me for who I am. In saying this, I have to say I can't wait until February to make this point, there is so much to know about the Black race, all races, we should shout out 365 days.

    If we are honest we will accept the fact, tension in the world boils down to the color of a person’s skin, ridiculousness. We can do all, be all, live in the White House and in the end, those of us who are Black, continue to be seen as blight. Maybe it's because some never bother to get to know the true person, they only look at skin tone.

     In the history book Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History chapter three is titled Voices of Change it begins with this quote:

    “There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them are without signification.” 1 Corinthians 14:10 and has a section dedicated to activism and the people who stepped out to confront the injustices directed at people of specific ethnicity.

    As the author I started the chapter with a small bit of history pertaining to members of my family. These members, my father Adam Wade and cousin Robert Sampia, fought and succeeded in the desegregation of what is now Lamar University   in Beaumont, Texas. How many of us cannot find a single member of our family who has participated in the formation of history? It doesn’t matter the color of your skin or your belief system we have all voiced and accomplished a change. We are all significant.

    This belief is the reason I wrote Beads on a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History.

    History.View Beads' Pins
    This post was originally titled Dressing the Part and shared on with Literary Lunes Publications as my view of Black History Month.

    With the removal of the warm, thick hooded coat of January’s obscurity, we exit the first month of the year and step into the blatant exposure of February’s stark cold reality. Where scars of old are unceremoniously ripped open, let to bleed and reawaken hurt and pain, all in the guise of history, recognition and celebration.
    February, the only month of the year I have no choice, but to dress the part and look at myself as being more than just another human. In February I am no longer a common American or a mere woman. I am reminded I am different. I am a Black American.
    This difference which in actual fact goes no deeper than the upper level of pigmentation of the skin, has been the determining factor of life and death. Success and failure love and hate.

    I like to think of myself as a very free thinking open minded person. Never see myself as a color nor do I feel as if I should slot myself as a particular race…until someone or some event points it out.

    In February, the event is Black History Month. In February I pull on my best Baptist Church Lady clothes, slap on the big hat, hold my head up high, poke out my chest and look down on the peons as I sit and watch the lives and deaths of my ancestors being exposed to the world. And I want to cry. I hurt for the ancestors of those who committed those crimes. I cry for the newer generation who do not follow the hateful discrimination of their family members. How disappointed they must be in their forefathers. How tired they must be of having to relive this year after year. I know I am. I’m tired of being seen as a color. I just want to be known for who I am.

    I sometimes wonder if Black Americans fight a losing battle for equalization because the battle is not against ‘us’ per say, but against a sense of shame. Shame for an action is hard to wipe away. You can apologize for wrongs which have been done but as long as the object of shame is seen, the shame is still there and eventually shame is substituted with anger and irritation and the object becomes a victim again.  As long as we (Black people) have been in America you would assume we would now be an integral part of her structure. We shouldn’t have to be paraded in front of the world one month, no, a mere 28 days, out of a year.

    We shouldn’t have to repeatedly shove the atrocities committed to our ancestors in the faces of all. These things are facts of history and should be taught to our children on the daily as are all aspects of things that have occurred in America.

    Though we strive to be like our White counterparts, accepted unconditionally we are still fighting to be tolerated. I call this ridiculousness. In order to tolerate someone or something we have to step out of our comfort zone. The hardest thing in man’s mind is to be tolerant of another or to keep an open mind. We judge without thought because something or someone is different.  As an author of color I have to confess the trepidation I felt when having my books published. The doubts I harbor have nothing to do with my ability as a writer, but in the willingness of the non-colored world to accept my writings. To read the words and see people who live through the same kind of situations and handle things in the same way as any breathing individual. We don’t all gang bang, use drugs, or live the baby-mama drama. I laugh now at my wish to keep my face and bio off the back covers. Life is not fair nor is it equal in its praises or recognition.  Humans are a selfish entity believing we are better than another because of our race, religion or sexual orientation. The fight for racial and social equalization continues and will continue as long as man breathes. Our unification should grow because of our differences and if we are honest with ourselves we would accept the fact our differences are only skin deep. In religion, anyone can choose which path to follow. In education, we can all go as far as we choose.  In jobs or professionalism, whether or not to be a parent, or who to marry all are conscious choices.

    We, if only seen as a ‘casing’ or a vessel cannot change, as a thinking individual we can cause enormous changes. We just have to be tolerant of the differences and learn from history. Remember history was written in more than Black and White.

    The book is available in print or download on and ready for (whatever model) your eReader to eat it up.
    Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo,
    Nook and iPad.
    Posted by Ey Wade